“The global expansion of Televisa” (capítulo del libro Business Despite Borders: Companies in the age of populist anti-globalization)

Based in Mexico, Televisa is a leading media company in the spanish-speaking world. Over the last 20 years—since Emilio Azcárraga jean became the president of Televisa in 1997 and until he stepped down as its ceo at the end of 2017—the company has followed different foreign entry strategies, such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, and international acquisitions to expand the reach of its content to new markets. Currently, the company distributes the audiovisual content it produces to over 80 countries.
Through several pay-television brands, television networks, cable operators, And over-the-top services via the internet. In addition, Televisa’s international activities include publishing and feature-film distribution in Latin America.
Nowadays, Mexico, Latin America, and the US hispanic community are Televisa’s most important media marketplaces. However, in recent years, the pace of economic growth in Latin America has slowed down, while Mexico’s prospects might be seriously affected in the upcoming future by Donald Trump’s protectionist policies. Further, the constitutional reform in the telecommunications sector enacted by president Enrique Peña Nieto has brought about increased competition in the Mexican telecommunications and broadcasting sectors. Hence, Televisa must strengthen its presence globally and develop innovative ways to reach more international audiences.
Libro "Business Despite Borders: Companies in the age of populist anti-globalization" Capítulo “The global expansion of Televisa” (pages 49-63)
Dra. Sofía Charvel
Directora del Programa
Natalia Carolina González
Coordinadora del Programa